Arestin( Minocyclene 1 mg) is the name of a topically applied antibiotic. Minocyclene is delivered in a powder-like form that is placed inside of pockets 5mm or greater. The powder has rounded tiny spherical particles, that remain active in the pocket targeting bacteria and reducing pocket depths. Placement should be in conjunction with a deep cleaning. A deep scaling removes calculus from the roots and enamel of the teeth. There are some post operative instructions, like do not brush for 24 hours and do not floss the area for 10 days. The pocket is checked after 30 days for bleeding, the procedure should be repeated at this time if there is bleeding. The pocket may be re treated once and if no improvement, a referral to a gum specialist or Periodontist may be indicated. This process targets bacteria deep in the pocket and keeps working for an extended period of time. Allowing a greater chance for the area to heal and the pocket depth to decrease. Arestin has been proven to work better than scaling and root planing alone, by improving pocket depth and healing gum tissues. Call us and ask, if this product is right for you at 905-868-8110. Assessing the need for this service includes an exam to measure the pockets and determine the health of the tissues. New clients usually have a periodontal exam as part of the new patient appointment. A registered dental hygienist or dentist can apply this medication to your teeth. For more information here is the link to the patient brochure for Arestin